Didapptic.com reaches a new milestone

Recently, we deployed another milestone of didapptic.com, the platform for evaluating mobile apps for teaching. So far, didapptic enables users to add apps to the database and give them a rating from a teaching point of view and edit or delete them. Didapptic fetches app data, such as descriptions and screenshots, from the iTunes/Google Play stores, and stores them together with the user’s input in order to have an overall overview. App store data gets updated in a specified time interval.

Originally didapptic was a simple Excel sheet. Over time the sheet grew and it became more and more difficult to keep track. In addition it was not easy to keep data up to date by hand. That was the moment where the idea of a web app was born!

So far, didapptic is still in construction. We are still planning some cool features. There is a totally redesigned home page in the pipe, where we want to offer pagination and filters. We also want to introduce newsletters and a simple blog where we want to keep interested users up to date. And a long term milestone is making the whole platform open source.

didapptic.com is supported by “Schwerpunkt Kunstdidaktik des Instituts für Kunstpädagogik der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main” and mainly engineered by me. You are welcome to use our platform. Send us an email and we will create a user for you.